BrailleSmith offers high-quality attractive Embossed By BrailleSmith Mother's Day cards to bring a smile to that special someone. Each card is embossed with added braille on the front and inside to fully describe the card and the verse inside.

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Number M162

Happy Mother's Day
to my wonderful wife

the kids and I may sometimes
drive you crazy,
but remember one thing...

Husband talking to his wife looking out the window
When you open the card, the house is a mess
with clutter, kids and dirty dishes.

Your life would be boring without us!
Right, Honey?


Number M161


Cutout card of colorful
flowers in a vase

On this day
for honoring mothers,
You're wished all the joy, Mom,
that you bring to others.

Happy Mother's Day

With Love


Number M160

It's Mother's Day,

pot of pretty pink flowers
on a pink and white card

As if a special occasion
is necessary
to send you love!

Happy Mother's Day,
with Love today, Tomorrow,


Number M159

You're a Blessing Mom

pink card covered with
pink and red hearts

(inside left)
You do so much
for everyone in your life-
for your family and friends,
your church community,
and everyone who is lucky enough
to cross your path in a day.
With a smile or kind word,
you spread Christ's love
in the best way there is-
with a gentle spirit
and a generous heart...

(inside right)
You're an amazing woman
and a wonderful mother-
and you're loved so very much.

Happy Mother's Day


Number M158

From the two of us,

Pink flowers in a vase

(Inside left)
There are many words
to describe a mom,
but one word will do-
a mom is love.

(inside right)
To tell you
that you're very dear
to both of us,
and to wish you
all the joys
of a wonderful
Mother's Day.



Number M157

Our warmest wishes on
Mother's Day

bright red bouquet of flowers
on a colorful gold trimmed card

It wouldn't seem
like Mother's Day
without thinking of you.
We've shared so many
happy times together,
and the memories
of those times
bring the nicest thoughts
of you...

That's why
there's no better day
to tell you
how important you are
to us.

Have a Beautiful Day


Number M155

For You, Mom
Every mother has her own
special way of being

silver flowers on a
pale green card

Thinking now, with gratitude,
of all your good advice,
Of all your guidance
through the years,
and all your sacrifice-
Of times when you,
as parents do,
have lent a helping hand,
Of times you've really
listened, too,
and tried to understand...

And time you've shown
your warm support
by simply being there-
Thinking, too, that love like that
is wonderful and rare.

Thanks for everything, Mom,
and Happy Mother's Day


Number M154

Happy Mother's Day
to a Mom who had
to do it all...

daisies on a yellow and green card

...from the one you did it all for.

Can't Thank You Enough Mom


Number M153

You're Amazing, Mother!
In your home, in your work,
in the way you give so much
to our family, you're a success
in the fullest sense of the word,
because not only do you manage
to make it all work together...

light blue card with flowers

...but you do it with style,
you do it with grace,
and above all,
you do it with love.

Hope you have a
Great Mother's Day


Number M152

*this is a tri-fold card
Mother, Your Love is
a Beautiful gift
Through all that time
has rearranged,
Your love has never,
ever changed...

bouquet of bright red flowers

It's still the love that understands,
the love of gentle, healing hands,
The love of hugs that warm and cheer,
Of caring words so good to hear-
It still supports and lights the way,
Give reassurance day by day,
And when uncertainties abound,
Your love shines through
and stands its ground...

How beautiful-
beyond compare-
This strong, unfailing love
you share.

Happy Mother's Day-
with thanks for being
everything wonderful
a mother could be


Number M151

I love you,

bouquet of pink daisies

I love every wonderful thing
that makes you "you".
I love your good advice,
your openness, and your caring...
I love the way you understand me
so well and accept me no matter what...
I love all that we share-
our heart-to-heart talks,
fun time, and happy memories...

I love you for more reasons
than I could ever say-
and on Mother's Day,
as always, I celebrate you
and all you are to me.

Have a Beautiful Day


Number M150

You're a Blessing

pink card covered with
pink and red hearts

It means so much to have
the kind of mother who firmly
stands behind her family,
Building hope and teaching
by example how important
faith and pride can be.
You do your best to
comfort and encourage...

Your love shows in the caring
things you do-
No wonder that
this Mother's Day
is bringing so much love
and caring back to you.

Happy Mother's Day


Number M149

For a lovely
It doesn't seem so long
ago your head rested
on my shoulder,
and I held your little hand
in mine.
It doesn't seem so long ago
you were all dressed up
for your first day of school,
and I tried to calm your fears...

pink roses and a butterfly

It doesn't seem so long ago
you showed me how you'd grown,
and I realized you weren't a child

Now that you're grown
and are a mother,
you still bring me more joy
than you'll ever know.

Happy Mother's Day
with Love


Number M148

thanks for knowing
I'm never too old
to be spoiled!

kids baking desserts
with grandma

Happy Mother's Day
with lots
and lots
of Love!


Number M146


daisies and symbols
of motherhood scattered

(inside 1 through a window)
You placed home
in my heart
and dreams in my head.
You've been
a shoulder to lean on
and an ear to bend.
You're my biggest
and my kindest critic.
You think about me
way too much,
but I'm glad you do...

(inside 2)
you're not just my mom,
you're my best friend.

Happy Mother's Day,
with Love


Number M145

It's Mother's Day,

pot of pretty pink flowers
on a pink and white card

The perfect time
for sending you love.

Happy Mother's Day,
with Love


Number M144

For a Sister
Who's Loved so Much

colorful flowers in a
window on a gold card

Because you're a wonderful sister,
because you have so many ways
Of warming the hearts
all around you
and brightening
your family's day...

Because you deserve
joy and laughter,
sunshine and happiness, too,
This Mother's Day wish
is for all of these things,
and it's coming with love
just for you.

Have a Beautiful Day


Number M143

For a special Mom
with love on
Mother's Day

birds and bird houses
in a flower garden

Thinking about you
especially today-
Of the nice things you do
in your own loving way-
And hoping, too, Mom,
that day in and day out,
You'll always have lots
to be happy about!

Happy Mother's Day


Number M142

In countless ways
and for so many reasons,
a mother brings joy
to our world.

vase of spring flowers
on a patio chair

May life always be
as beautiful for you
as you make it
for others.

Happy Mother's Day


Number M141

Having you
for a mother means...

vase of yellow flowers
on a lavender card

Laughter is a natural part
of all our get-togethers.
A caring heart is available
24 hours a day.
A little advice and encouragement
are simply a phone call away.
Love is a given.
Hugs come in unlimited quantities.

Having you for a mother is
one of the best things in life.

Love you
Happy Mother's Day


Number M140

To a Wonderful Wife
and Mother

watercolor pink flowers

Happy Mother's Day
All My Love

Enjoying parenthood's rewards
brings us closer together,
helping each other
with its challenges
makes our marriage stronger,
and sharing it all with you
makes me love you
more and more each day.


Number M139

A prayer for you, Mother
with love today and always

bird and birdhouse on
a pink and white card

Happy Mother's Day

Thinking of you
on Mother's day,
with love and with a prayer
That God will always keep you
in His tender, loving care.


Number M137

I know I don't tell you
often enough how much
I appreciate the time
and the care and the love
you give me.
But today I want you to know
how special you are,
and that I'll always
remember everything
you've done for me

basket of pink flowers
on a rocking chair

I love you, Mom!

Happy Mother's Day


Number M136

You're always in my heart
I've been thinking about you
and all the wonderful
things you are-
both to me and to our family-
and for Mother's Day,
I've been wishing
you were closer...

pink rose on a pink
and gold card

But then I realized,
you couldn't be closer
than my heart.

Happy Mother's Day
With my Love Always


Number M135

Thinking of You, Grandmother
on Mother's Day

pink and red flowers
in a vase with a sun hat

(inside 1)
When a grandma's always busy
doing thoughtful, helpful things,
When a grandma is remembered
for the happiness she brings...

(inside 2)
It's a joy to think about her
and to send a note to say,
"Hope a very special grandma
has a bright and happy day!"

Happy Mother's Day
Love Always


Number M134

*this is a tri-fold card
A loving mother
is a gift from God

Her ways are ways
of pleasantness,
and all her paths
are peace.
Proverbs 3:17

pink tulips in
a vase

May you continue
to be blessed
with a kind spirit,
a gentle grace,
and a beauty
from within... those who love you
will continue to be blessed
by just knowing you.

Happy Mother's Day


Number M133

Beauty is more
than what
meets the eye

a monarch butterfly
on a pink lacy card

Beauty starts in the heart
of a woman who knows
how truly special she is.
It radiates from the smile
she shares with her family
and friends...

And it shines in the way
she makes the world
a lovelier place to be.

Happy Mother's Day
to a woman who's beautiful
from the inside out


Number M132

What is motherhood?

It's making things fun.
It's answering "why?"
It's showing kids how,
then watching them try.
It's cheering them on.
It's saying you care.
It's letting them go.
It's just being there...

vintage typewriter and
lacy pink flowers

It's giving so much-
and then giving more-
It's all mothers do
that kids love them for.

Amazing mothers
and women
of the world-
count yourself
among them!

Happy Mother's Day


Number M131

***Out of Stock***
It takes a while for children
to realize some things-
Like the sense of deep security
a loving mom can bring,
It takes a while for them to see,
how often, day by day,
Her wisdom and her counsel
may have helped them
on their way...

bright flowers
around the above words

But as time goes by,
they realize the love
she's always shown
And they feel
that she's among
the finest women
they have known.

Thanks for everything,
and Happy Mother's Day


Number M130

For a Special Mom
on Mother's Day

a pink bicycle with flowers
on a pink and green card

Moms always seem to understand
the things our hearts would say,
So, Mom, I hope you'll understand
in your own special way...

The love that's being sent to you
is only just a part
of the love for you,
and wishes, too,
that always fill my heart!

Hope your day is


Number M129

you mean so much

A mother gives
the best she has
with no thought
of thanks at all.

brightly colored flower
on a soft pink card

I may not always say it
quite as often as I should,
I may not always show it
when you really wish I would...
I may not always tell you-
but it still is just as true-
Mother, I'm so very glad
I have your love and you.

Happy Mother's Day


Number M127

I don't have the words
to tell you how much
I love you.
I can only tell you
how fortunate I feel
because I have so much
more than a mother-
I have a friend,
someone I know will
never let me down...

blue flowers on a gold

...and today,
I just wanted to tell you
you're very special to me
and I'll always be grateful
that there's so much
we can share.

Wishing you Happiness
on Mother's Day and Always


Number M126

*this is a tri-fold card
I love that you're
such a caring mother
to your family...

bright pink dogwood

I love sharing
in all the warmth
and laughter
that are so much a part
of your home.
I love being able
to pick up the phone
and talk to you
about almost anything.
I love having you
for a sister...

...and I'm so lucky
to have you
as my friend.

Hope you have
a Perfect Mother's Day


Number M125

Your kind heart
is an inspiration
today, tomorrow,
and always

embossed flowers
laying on a Bible

For being warm and caring
in a way that's all your own,
For all the goodness in your heart,
the kindness you have shown,
For all the thoughtful things you do
in such a loving way-
God love you and God bless you
with a Happy Mother's Day


Number M124

For my wife
I'm grateful for you

bright pink and red

With you to share
the love, the tears,
the laughter and the fun,
It's plain to see
our family is
a very lucky one...

For everything
you do and say
has such a caring touch-
It really is no wonder
that I love you
very much!

Happy Mother's Day


Number M123

*this is a tri-fold card
What makes an
ideal Mom?
by Jean Kyler McManus

What makes an ideal mom?
It's so many different things,
Beginning with the happiness
her presence always brings...

a blue bird sitting on
a branch with pink flowers

It's believing she can give you
all the confidence you need
to pursue your special dream
and then undoubtedly succeed.

What makes an ideal mom?
It's her love of priceless worth-
the precious love that tells you
she's the finest mom on earth!

I'm who I am today, Mom,
because of you.
I have confidence
because you believe in me.
Courage because you support me.
Love because you showed me
what love is.
Thanks for helping me
become who I am-
someone who loves you
more than you know.

Happy Mother's Day


Number M122

Happy Mother's Day
to a beautiful mom
I may leave my thoughts unspoken
till a day like this is here,
I may seem to take for granted
all the things that make you dear...
But there's not a day that passes
that I'm not reminded of
your kindness and your thoughtfulness,
your sweetness and your love...

the words are written on a lacy pink card

And with every thought I'm wishing
that your life will always be
as happy for you, Mother,
as you've made my life for me!

Have a great day!


Number M121

What is a Mother?

She's words that encourage,
hugs that care, and hands
that help when you need
it the most...

colorful bouquet of flowers
on a lacy card

She's the voice
of experience,
the wisdom that guides,
and eyes that see
the best in you always.

No mother anywhere
could be more loving
and caring...
and no mother anywhere
could be more appreciated
and loved.

Happy Mother's Day


Number M120

A wish for you,
on Mother's Day

turquoise card with a
flowery coffee cup

Wishing you the gift of time
this Mother's Day to relax
and unwind, to be as good
to yourself as you are
to everyone else,
with nowhere to be,
and nothing to do
except enjoy yourself...

...because no one deserves
a special day more than you.

Happy Mother's Day


Number M119

Love you,

a grandma kitty hugging
her grandchild kitty

Cuddles and cookies
and stories and fun,
playtime and laughter
and smiles by the ton,
Little surprises
and lots of hugs, too-
The sweetest and most
loving grandma is you!

Happy Mother's Day


Number M118

For my wife
You know what I love
most about you?

blue and green hummingbirds
fluttering around flowers

I love how you always
take such good care of us.
I love how you make us
feel special and loved,
no matter how busy you are...

And I love the way I feel
having such a wonderful woman
for my wife.
I'm so lucky to share
my life with you.

Happy Mother's Day


Number M117

A mother's voice
is a hug that you can hear

a mama and baby bear
sharing a flower on a
tree limb

When I was little, your hug always
had the power to make things better.
And now, when life gets crazy
or things don't go quite right,
just hearing your voice
can calm me down...

It's a beautiful thing-
how much your comfort,
care, and love make a
difference in my world.

Happy Mother's Day
With Love-


Number M116

Queen for a Day

fancy pink card with a
bright pink crown

Today, you're the queen.
And queens don't vacuum,
run errands, do the laundry,
or go grocery shopping...

So don't do anything
that doesn't involve
getting pampered,
feeling pretty,
or having fun!

Happy Mother's Day


Number M115

Happy Mother's Day

spring flowers, birds and
a birdhouse

This Mother's Day wish
is for a day bright with happy
family moments that make you feel
celebrated and loved-
followed by countless tomorrows
filled with more of the same!

Enjoy Your Day


Number M114

You mean a lot to us

It wouldn't seem
like Mother's Day
without thinking of you.
We've shared so many
happy times together,
and the memories
of those times
bring the nicest thoughts
of you...

lovely pink card with
embossed pink butterflies

That's why
there's no better day to tell you
how important you are to us.

Happy Mother's Day


Number M113

Dear Daughter...

lovely pink card with lace and flowers

If I could make just one wish for you
this Mother's Day,
it would be that you always know
how much you're loved
as a daughter,
admired as a mother,
and cherished
as a wonderful friend.

Have a Very
Happy Mother's Day


Number M112

When Your Daughter is a Mother

A daughter is someone
who fills your heart with joy
from the moment
she comes into your life-
and when a daughter
becomes a mother,
a special dream
of your own comes true.

bright yellow daisies surrounding
the above words

Loving you has been an amazing
journey of the heart-
and ever since you became a mom,
it feels like life has come full circle
in all the most beautiful ways-
making even more dreams come true...

Hope every dream you've ever had,
Daughter, comes true for you.

Wishing you a perfect Mother's Day


Number M111

It's Mother's Day

cute gray kitten peeking
out of a flower pot with
pink flowers

Hope your day is nice
from the time you begin it...

And stays just that way
till the last happy minute!



Number M110

A double share of wishes
on Mother's Day
Because this comes from both of us

lovely pink spring flowers
on a light green card

Two wishes for joy
and for good things today,
Two hugs and two kisses
are coming your way...

Two people who love you
for all that you do
To make our lives richer
and happier, too!

Happy Mother's Day


Number M108

From Your Daughter, Mom
On Mother's Day

large pink rose bud

Mom, as women,
we play so many roles in life-
daughters, sisters, wives, and mothers-
that it's sometimes hard
to find time for everyone
and for ourselves.
Yet, somehow, you always manage
to be there for others-
with a warm smile, a kind word,
or a helping hand-
and I really admire you for that...

That's why I'm hoping
you'll take today for yourself-
even if it's just for quiet thoughts
and treasured dreams...
because you really do deserve the best.

Happy Mother's Day


Number M107

I feel lucky
to be your daughter...

sketch of pretty pink flowers

...and I may not say it enough,
but I'll always love you.

Happy Mother's Day


Number M106

To Nana
with love on
Mother's Day

rabbits watering their
flower garden

You're special
and you're loved
a lot-
that's why
it's so much fun...

To think of you
and hope your day's
a bright and happy one!


Number M105

We share so much
heart to heart

cups of tea with cakes
and a vase of colorful flowers

Whether we're talking
about the latest news,
family events,
or just updating each other
on the day-to-day happenings
in our lives...'s so easy to love
a daughter like you-
who's also
a wonderful friend.

Have a Beautiful
Mother's Day
and Thanks


Number M104

It's Great to be Your Son

a flower garden with a
butterfly on a blue card

remember when I was young
and you thought everything you said
went in one ear and out the other?
Well, it didn't.
I took those words with me
and they have guided me
through the ups and downs of life...

And though you may not always
be aware of it,
you wouldn't believe
how much you've inspired me
to be the person I am today.

Happy Mother's Day
and Thanks


Number M103

For me, there's no better place
to be than in my mother's thoughts...
There's no safer place than in
my mother's prayers...
There's no sweeter place
than in my mother's heart...

a purple and white orchid garden
on a bright green card

And there's no greater blessing
than having you for my mother

Loving Wishes
for a Happy Mother's Day


Number M102

A Grandmother's home
by Jean Kyler McManus

There's a feeling in a
grandmother's home
that makes you want to smile-
A special warmth that says
"come in, and stay a little while"...

a purple card with
flowers and tea on a
patio table

That's the feeling I always have
when I'm at your front door-
And, Grandma, that's the reason why
I couldn't love you more!

Happy Mother's Day


Number M101

Being a mom isn't the
easiest job in the world...
...but look at it this way...

a busy mom trying to
handle her children, cooking,
house and chaos

At least you have steady work!

Happy Mother's Day


Number M099

For My Special Daughter
A mother's day prayer for you
The Lord bless you,
my daughter...
Ruth 3:10

flowers on a pink and
green card

You're such a wonderful daughter
with a kind, caring heart,
on Mother's Day and always, I pray
God will see what an angel
you are in this world
and send wonderful blessings
your way!

Happy Mother's Day
to Beautiful You


Number M098

For My Grandmother
When I think about you,
I think about all the cool stuff you do,
how amazing you are,
and how much fun we have
when we get together...

dark pink flowers on a
pink card

And most importantly,
I think about how lucky I am
to have you in my life.

Happy Mother's Day
with My Love Always


Number M097

With Loving Thoughts
of you, Mother

pink, yellow and white
flowers in a vase on a
green card.

means something special,
always will,
For there's a place
within each heart
that only she can fill...

And so this brings you
lots of love and comes
to let you know
That you will always
mean much more
than any words could show.

Happy Mother's Day


Number M096

You're the best

honey bees and flowers
on a purple card

Happy mother's day
to the best story-telling,
in the whole world!

Love you
Lots and Lots


Number M095

You're Like a Mother to Me
Sometimes I wonder
where I'd be
if it weren't for you...

pink and gold flowers
on a pink card

Your guidance and wisdom,
your love and support have made
a real difference in my life...

You've been like a mother to me,
and that makes Mother's Day
the perfect time to tell you-
and to thank you.

Wishing you a very
Happy Day

Happy Mother's Day


Number M094

God Bless You
On Mother's Day
and always

flowers and butterflies
on a green card

For the joy you spread around you
in your kind and caring way,
For the help you give to others
and the thoughtful things you say...

And you demonstrate God's goodness
each and every day you live,
May you be blessed with all the gifts
that only He can give.

Happy Mother's Day


Number M093

Thinking of you on
Mother's Day

You know those moments
of perfect relaxation?
Like when the air is fresh
and the sun warms your face...
And a soft breeze carries the sound
of the waves on the beach...
And you sink your toes into the sand
and think "Life is good..."

gentle waves washing up
on the beach

Hope your Mother's Day
feels just like that.

Enjoy Every Minute


Number M091

On Mother's Day,
I just want to say thanks
for being there for me,
for making me feel good
about myself,
and for caring
no matter what...

coffee cups scattered
around a green card

You're such a terrific friend!

Have a Great Day


Number M090

Especially for you, Sister
A sister's someone special
who's as dear
as she can be-
Someone who makes
life happier
for all her family.

colorful flowers all around
a pastel yellow card

You're a kind and thoughtful sister
with a special part to play
In the hearts and lives of others
all around you, day by day...

You may not feel important,
but it certainly is true-
The world's a little nicer place
and all because of you!

Have a Wonderful
Mother's Day


Number M089

For You, Grandma
From Your Grandson

sleeping puppy hugging
a teddy bear

Along with "happy Mother's Day,"
I'd like to tell you, too,
There's not a nicer grandma
in all the world than you!


Number M088

I'd love to take credit for what an
amazing mother you've turned out to be.

little girl having a tea party
with her stuffed rabbit

But you're the one who's putting in all the time,
the work, the love, and your own beautiful style.

So you're the one who deserves all the kudos.
(But I still get to be proud!)

Happy Mother's Day


Number M087

To My Wife,
a very special woman

pink and purple flowers
scattered around a card

As a loving wife and mother,
you're as special as can be-
You're always there when needed,
caring for our family.
You do so many things
that I appreciate you for,
And as time goes by,
I also find I love you more and more.

Wishing you a very
Happy Mother's Day

with Love Always


Number M086

To My Wife
I'm so Blessed
to have Your love

When I think about the gifts
we've been given-
our home, our family,
our life together...

loving couple holding hands
on a blue card

...I feel so thankful-
because I couldn't
have been blessed
with a more beautiful wife
than you.

Happy Mother's Day
with Love Always


Number M085

With Love, Daughter
You have so many qualities
to make a parent proud,
It really seems
on Mother's Day
some bragging is allowed...

hot pink card trimmed
with flowers and a bird

Because you're very thoughtful
and so caring all year through,
No daughter anywhere could be
more wonderful than you.

Loving Wishes
for a Happy Mother's Day


Number M084

Mom To Be

flowers and a bird and bird nest

Celebrate all the dreams taking shape...
all the beautiful to-be's
and fun to-do's...
all the moments
and imaginings-
big, small, and extraordinary...

Celebrate all the joys in your heart,
and have the happiest Mother's Day,


Number M083

you drove me to practice and school.
You drove me to friends' houses.
You drove me to the mall...

mom in a car driving kids around town

And I drove you crazy!
(so, does that make us even?)

Happy Mother's Day
and Thanks for Everything!


Number M082

For My Mom
with lots of love
there's no place like home...
and we can thank our moms for that.

house on a hill surrounded
by flowers

Mom, you've made "home"
mean a lot more than just an address-
and you've made "family"
mean way more than just a last name.

I'm lucky you're a mother
who always showed your love
in so many ways...
and you still do.

Have a Wonderful
Mother's Day


Number M081

On your first
Mother's Day

pink card edged
with pink flowers

All that's kind and tender,
All that's fine and good,
All that's warm and wonderful
Are part of motherhood.

May all the joys you're dreaming of
be just the smallest part
Of all the joys of motherhood
so soon to fill your heart.


Number M079

Hey Great-Grandma!
know what?

a teddy bear holding
a pink sun flower

People say
that to be happy,
you gotta think
lots of happy
Well, that's easy.
I just think of you!

Happy Mother's Day


Number M078

From the Dog

black and white puppy
chewing on a lady's shoe

Happy Mother's Day
to my two-legged mom.

With Licks and Tail Wags


Number M077

To My Wife
with Love on
Mother's Day

two red rose buds
in a pink vase

So much has changed
since we became parents.
Our lives are so full now,
not only with more chores,
errand, and activity,
but also with more fun,
more memories, and more love...

I know
it's not always easy-
or perfect-
but I feel like anything is possible
with you at my side.

Happy Mother's Day


Number M076

For a Special Aunt

golden flowers scattered
across a tan card

Today is a day
for you to enjoy,
to share special moments
with your family
and just to relax
and take time for yourself.

Happy Mother's Day


Number M075

For a Special Daughter

watercolor painting of
pink flowers

With gratitude
for the wonderful daughter
you've always been,
with pride
in the lovely mother
you are,
with love
for the very special person
you will always be.

Have a Beautiful
Mother's Day


Number M073

Happy Mother's Day
to a wonderful sister...

silver ladybugs on a pink card

...who's a great mother
and a one-of-a-kind
lifetime friend.

Have a Beautiful
Mother's Day


Number M072

'In-Law' is just
a technicality...

Dragonflies on a colorful card

So, happy Mother's Day
to a very
special daughter


Number M071

With love,

dark pink hearts on a light pink card

Today, as always,
I only need to look
at your wonderful family
to appreciate
what a very special mom
you are.

Happy Mother's Day


Number M069

For Great-Grandma
with love

Two birds hugging

Happy Mother's Day
Sure hope it's nice for you--
And hope you know
how much you're loved,
'Cause that's important too!

Enjoy the Day
Love You Lots!


Number M068

For My Nana

brightly colored flowers and
a bright sun

Hope a nana who's special
in so many ways
Has the happiest, funnest,
and neatest of days!

Happy Mother's Day


Number M067

this wish for you
comes straight from
the heart...

Colorful crayon look letters and drawings
of a heart and flowers

Happy Mother's Day


Number M066

You're a Special

Kitten on a pink card

"Special" is a word
that seems to fit you
'Cause, Grandma,
from the very start,
that's what you've been
to me!

Happy Mother's Day
with Lots of Hugs


Number M065

It's Mother's Day

Teddy bear with flowers

Thinking of you, Grandma,
in a very special way,
And sending lots of wishes
just for you on Mother's Day.

Have Fun!


Number M064

A grandma is
love that you
never outgrow.

purple flowers

Through passing years
and changing times,
a Grandma's love endures--
and what a gift it is to have
a grandma's love like yours!

Have a Wonderful Mother's Day


Number M063

Grandmas Grow Love
Our family wouldn't be
what it is today, Grandma...

A grandmother working in her garden

...without your guidance,
your patient example,
and above all--
your unselfish love.

Happy Mother's Day
with Love Always


Number M062

You'll always have
a very special place...

Teddy bear holding a heart

(Inside) my memories, my life,
and my heart!

Happy Mother's Day


Number M061

Mother's Day
is very special...

pink flowers on a pink and white card

because it's another chance
to tell you
how wonderful you are-
and how very much
you are loved.

Enjoy Your Day


Number M060

I'm proud to be your daughter
The greatest compliment
anyone will ever give me...

Pink rose on a pink card

(Inside) to say I remind them
of you.

Happy Mother's Day
with Love


Number M059

Dear Sister,
I think you're one
of the nicest, sweetest,
most wonderful people
on the face of the earth...

Butterfly and flowers on a pink card

...and I'm not just saying that
because you're my sister
and I love you--
I really mean it
with my whole heart!

Happy Mother's Day


Number M058

From the two of us,

Pink flowers in a vase

We want you to know
how much we appreciate
the many special ways
you touch our lives.
No one could be more
wonderful to us
than you are,
and we hope your Mother's Day
warms your heart
in many beautiful ways.



Number M057

I think of you
as family...

Bright pink flowers

...and I love you
like a mother.
Happy Mother's Day


Number M056

For My Mommy

Bunny with flowers
and butterflies

I love you
for the fun we share,
I love you
for the things we do,
I love you
'cause you always care,
I love you,
'cause you're you!

Happy Mother's Day


Number M055

Friendly wishes,
happy smiles,
warm hugs--
all for you!

Purple and blue flowers and circle designs

Hope you enjoy all the excitement
that comes from being someone
so amazing.
Happy Mother's Day


Number M054

Mother's Day wishes just for you
To wish you happy moments warm with sunshine,
To wish you deep contentment through the through,
To wish you all the joy your heart can gather...

Flower by a Fruit bowl

...Life's very best--
that's what is wished for you
Enjoy Your Day


Number M053

Sis, if you ever need some
sound advice about being a parent...

Picture of a young mother

(Inside) MOM!
Happy Mother's Day


Number M052

You'll never know how often
some nice thought of you
has crossed my mind
and made me smile...

Pink flowers and candles

On Mother's Day,
I'm especially thinking of you and wishing you
everything beautiful to make your day
a happy one.


Number M049

You are valued,
You are needed,
You are loved

Pot of pink flowers

Hope you'll always
remember that.
Happy Mother's Day
and Happiness Always


Number M048

For a Wonderful Sister
You're such a special sister,
considerate and kind,
Always doing something nice
with someone else in mind...

Butterfly and flowers on a pink card

So no wonder you are thought about
with love the whole year through--
No wonder those who know you best
think all the world of you!
Happy Mother's Day


Number M047

For you Mother with special thanks

Basket of flowers on a purple checked card

More beautiful than all the flowers that bloom
is the heart of a loving mother.
Thank you, Mother, for all your giving,
all your caring, all your love--
Not just today, but every day of the year!
Happy Mother's Day


Number M045

From Your son and
Daughter-In-Law with Love
On Mother's Day

Pink flowers on a green card

It means so much to both of us
to have a mom like you.
With you there are so many things
to be thankful for and proud about--
and so many things to love.
When Mother's Day comes around,
it's a special day to celebrate,
not only for you but for the two of us.
Enjoy your day


Number M043

For a special Daughter
Love is what you give so totally as a mother...

A garden gate filled with flowers a bunny, kitty and bird bath

(Inside) is what you share so wonderfully as a "daughter"...
...and love is what is felt for you so deep inside the heart.
Happy Mother's Day
and Happiness Always


Number M042

Honey, as a special Mother's Day present...
I was going to promise to handle everything in the house
for a whole year...

Husband talking to his wife looking out the window
When you open the card, the house is a mess
with clutter, kids and dirty dishes.

...but our insurance won't cover that kind of disaster.
Happy Mother's Day, Anyway


Number M041

I'm thinking of you today, Sis
and I just wanted to tell you
some of the things
I don't say often enough...

Gold foil butterfly and flowers

(Inside) what a wonderful sister
and mother you are,
how much I appreciate
having you in my life,
and, especially,
how much I love you.
Happy Mother's Day


Number M040

For a Very Special Sister
On Mother's Day and Always

Two sister cats on a pink card

With love,
because you're close in Heart
Not just today, but all days--
With love,
because you're wished the best
Today, Tomorrow,
Have a Beautiful Mother's Day


Number M039

To My Wife,
My Best Friend

Couple holding hands over a cup of coffee

The silly things we joke about,
the earnest talks we share,
The gentleness within your eyes,
the tender caring there--
You mean so much in many ways--
the list just has no end--
Because you are the one I love,
as well as my best friend.
Happy Mother's Day


Number M037

A Wish for You

window flower box and garden

Wishing you a Mother's Day
that's wonderful all through-
A bright, delightful, special day-
a day that's just like you!


Number M035

Happy Mother's Day

Wine glass and fruit and grapes

You're always doing nice things for others,
but it's the warmth of your personal touch
that makes you a one-of-a-kind person...
...because when you lend a hand
or are simply there to listen,
you're someone to remember always.
Enjoy Your Day


Number M034

Just to say on Mother's Day

Flower garden on a pink card

You're fun, you're smart
You have style and heart...
You give, you share,
You help, you care...
You're kind, you're true--
I'm glad you're you!
Hope you Mother's Day is Great


Number M032

Because You're So Special

Colorful butterflies on a green card

Thanks to mothers like you,
the world will always have places
where goodness wins out,
fairness is the rule...
...and love
is at the heart of everything.
Happy Mother's Day


Number M031

On Mother's Day and
every day,
the two of us agree...

A puppy and a kitten snuggling

You really are as wonderful
as anyone could be!
Happy Mother's Day


Number M030


Cutout card of colorful
flowers in a vase

On this day
that honors mothers
for all the good they do.
Remember there's no mother
who deserves it more than you!

Happy Mother's Day


Number M029

It's Mother's Day

Two puppies and a kitten snuggling

Who's being wished the most relaxing,
carefree, and well-deserved
Mother's Day ever?
That would be very special you!


Number M028

If your Mother's Day
is filled with sweet
and special blessings...

Colorful butterflies in a flower garden

...then it will be
just what I prayed for!
Enjoy your day


Number M027

You're a Special Blessing
in my Life

Purple flowers in a vase

Because we live our faith,
because we love our Lord,
we share a special closeness
that's a blessing to us both--
our own reminder of God's endless love
and how precious we are in His sight.
That's why today,
I celebrate
the wonderful woman you are
and how very much
you mean to me.
Happy Mother's Day


Number M026

Thinking of you on
Mother's Day
Warm thoughts can brighten a day,
lighten a heart,
and remind others that we care.


To let you know
you are thought of
with special warmth
and affection
today and every day.


Number M025

Enjoy Your Day!

Heart shaped flower wreath

You're wished
a Mother's Day
filled with all
the special things
that are dear to your heart.


Number M024

Happy Mother's Day,

Bouquet of pink flowers

Life is so full
of the little things
that we must do each day
that sometimes
we forget the things
we really ought to say--
I Love You, Mom!


Number M023

For my Mom, My Inspiration
Love takes you to the edge of things
and pushes you to try--
that's how you find
your own true wings
and then, at last, you fly.

Two birds on a flowering tree

Mom, you are the love
that prepared me for life,
the love that makes me confident,
the love that lets me fly so high.
I will always be grateful.

Happy Mother's Day


Number M022

From your Daughter and "Son", Mom...

Kitten and puppy in a basket

...because it's Mother's Day--
and we wanted to remind
you how much you're loved!

Have a Wonderful Day


Number M021

We've had quite an adventure raising
a family together

Gold card with flowers

We've worked hard and laughed a lot
and had our share of worries,
but through it all, I've always felt
so lucky that you were by my side...
You're a warm and caring mother,
a loving wife and friend,
and maybe I haven't said it in so many words,
but knowing I have you
to come home to makes everything worthwhile

Happy Mother's Day


Number M020

To the Woman I'd
Marry All Over Again
With Love on
Mother's Day

a boy and girl dressed in vintage clothes sitting on a bench

Through all the changes
life and love have brought us,
one thing will always
remain the same...
You mean the world to me.

Happy Mother's Day


Number M018

With our love to a wonderful mother
We look at you and the loving mother you are,
we know that being a mother doesn't end when your children grow up...

Pink and Green card with flowers

The love is always there,
and it's very special to us.

Happy Mother's Day


Number M017

A Double Share
of wishes on
Mother's Day
Because this comes from
both of us

Hummingbirds and flowers

Two wishes for joy and for
good things today,
Two hugs and two kisses
are coming your way...
Two people who love you
for all that you do
That makes our lives
richer and happier, too!

Happy Mother's Day


Number M016

From the Two of Us

Shiny hearts on a pink card

We're sending this
with lots of love
because we want to say
How much we both
are wishing you
a happy Mother's Day

Happiness Always


Number M015

Happy Mother's Day
from the bunch of us...

Basket of white furry puppies

...and thanks for everything--
including the stuff
you haven't done yet!


Number M014

Best friends laugh and talk, confide
in each other, grow together, and learn from
each other's experiences...

Two friends having coffee

Best friends are friends for a lifetime--
like you and me.

Happy Mother's Day


Number M013

A big Mother's Day Hi!

Kitten holding a sunflower

Just a cheery note to say
that I keep
happy thoughts of you
in my heart,
and whenever
I think of you,
it always makes me smile.

Happy Mother's Day


Number M012


Pink Flowers

Happy Mother's Day
to a woman
with a generous,
caring heart
and a beautiful way
of sharing the gift
of each moment.

Enjoy Your Day


Number M011

Just for You on Mother's Day
some people spread seeds of happiness
everywhere they go

Green card with dogwood blossoms

A warm and loving heartfelt wish
especially for you, Because you spread
such happiness with everything you do...
A wish that you find kindness
returned along your way,
And may you find the joy you give
is yours through out the day.

Have a Happy Mother's Day


Number M009

Special women like you
make the world a nicer place

Hearts and flowers

Thinking of you and the difference
you've made in all the lives
and all the hearts you've touched.

Happy Mother's Day


Number M008

Happiness is a house with many doors--
its keys are
and love.

A lovely cottage with a colorful flower garden

Wishing you the blessing of faith,
the gift of hope,
and the miracle of love
in your heart and home
on Mother's Day and always.


Number M007

Exalt the heavens,
shout with happiness
sing with joy...

Multi-colored card with flowers

In other words,
have a really great
Mother's Day--
you deserve it!


Number M006

You're a Special Blessing

I will be filled with joy because of you.
Psalm 9:2

Bible & yellow roses on a green and yellow card

To a woman who has a real heart
for God and a real gift
for bringing joy to this world.
Happy Mother's Day


Number M003

(front of card)
Mother's Day brings a special
chance to remember the women who
make a difference in our lives...

very beautiful
pink flower

(inside card)
That's why you're wished a very
happy one!
Enjoy Your Day


Number M002

(front of card)
To My
Wonderful Mother

For all the little
things you do,
your thoughtfulness
the whole year
through, and mostly
just for being you...

(a lovely pink
daisy and a tiny
bumble bee)

(inside card)
I Love You,
Happy Mother's Day


Number M001

On Mother's Day,

several pink candles that have been lit

Whatever makes you feel
perfectly pampered and
absolutely appreciated--
that's what you're being wished!

Relax and Enjoy


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